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bandwidth parameter中文是什么意思

用"bandwidth parameter"造句"bandwidth parameter"怎么读"bandwidth parameter" in a sentence


  • 带宽参数


  • Particular study of mean shift algorithm leads to an improvement of it : we change the bandwidth parameter h from a scalar to a vector
    通过对mean - shift跟踪算法的详细分析,提出了将原算法中单一的带宽参数改为矢量参数的改进方案。
  • Furthermore , we implement the bandwidth - based capturing , and encoding sub - system . in client end , in order to improve user ' s experience , we design one bandwidth - aware - based player , which using bandwidth measuring technology too . after getting real - time bandwidth parameter , the player then will negotiate with server ' s bandwidth manager and download appreciate stream form media server library
  • In the course of studying , author put forward the method which controls cpe number by software , the processing method which shares the codes by using upstream bandwidth parameters to restrict downstream bandwidth , and the method which avoids changing flash codes by chance . the product has used these methods and is running normally
用"bandwidth parameter"造句  
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